We provide additional content, indexes, and summaries to supplement the printed book.
The book summary presents a short overview of the major concepts in the book, which can be downloaded as a one-page (two-sided) document.
The short abstract provides some major themes in the book.
You may also download a longer abstract that provides the full description of the major themes in the book as a PdfYou can read about who would be interested in the book on the audience page.
You can download a one-sheet flyer that provides a quick overview of The Strategic Enterprise Architect's Dilemma. Download Pdf
You may view the Table of Contents online or download it as a Pdf
We also provide three tables that are not included in the hardcopy of the book due to space limitations.
View the 22 Chapter Summaries and the four Example Summaries.
We have created an eBook of excerpts from The Strategic Enterprise Architect's Dilemma. The excerpts eBook is freely available as a download Pdf .
Finally, as updates are made to the book, we will be listing them on the Version History page.